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Our team enjoys a rich diversity of opportunities in a variety of areas related to ag media and marketing. We strive to learn skills that not only prepare us for future careers in ag communications but also help us to engage with others and share their stories. It is important that students learn how to connect with their subjects and hopefully learn more about the ag industry along the way! Check out some of our current projects or click through some of our other tabs to see what we have accomplished in the past few years. 

Rider Rundown 
Magazine Feature

This ongoing project shares the stories of up-and-coming bull riders who are making a name for themselves at the Junior World Finals and beyond. If you want to know more about the next generation of champions, this is your chance. 

HNH Magazine 

Our team has a heavy emphasis on writing and journalism and with that comes our work in Humps N Horns Bull Riding Magazine in Fort Worth. It is common to find members of our team listed as contributors on its pages and we often do eclectic social media and magazine ad designs to go on their site. 

Buckin' Bull Buddies 
KT Interview Cade and Bode_edited.jpg

As an extension to the writing we were already doing surrounding bull riding, we decided to try a children's book. Buckin' Bull Buddies is based on a real-life friendship between two Iowa bull riders. You can read more about their stories under our Buckin' Bull Buddies tab. 


Kesley's Corral is a weekly column published in the Farm Bureau Spokesman under the Clinton County News section. Author Kesley Holdgrafer has written hundreds of columns and readers enjoy her quick wit and personal farm stories.

Cookies and Agriculture

Cookies from a 4-H Kitchen

It’s prime county fairtime in Iowa. After my four years spent as a Clover Kid and then graduating to be a nine-year 4-H member, I almost miss the hectic craziness of getting indoor projects finished up, and write-ups printed off, hoping the judge doesn’t touch the ink because it might still be wet, and the livestock getting clipped, groomed, and show ring ready.

Farmer's Lunches

Harvest Lunches 

I have always wondered who has the most important job at harvest. Most people would think it is the combine driver. I, on the other hand, believe it is the person making the lunches. Yes, it is a bad day if the combine breaks down, but trust me, NOTHING is worse than a farmer that misses a meal during harvest!

Farm Dogs

Farm Dogs

Summer is officially in full swing for farmers. The smell of fresh cut hay has filled the air.

The balers were rolling through the wrap. Pastures are filled with beautiful baby calves. Last but not least, every farmer is praying for rain or second crop will be really thin. Summer air is warm and dry. That summer air for me is the smell of big city buses, delicious restaurants just down the street, and the smell of the Milwaukee River from my little studio apartment.

© 2017 CAC Media Group

DeWitt, Iowa 

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